Drone Work 2020

For the 2020 season, the District purchased an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) and licensed two employees as pilots with the FAA. The UAS the District acquired is a Precision Vision 35 (PV35). This system is capable of a 24 pound payload and be used to apply granular or liquid pesticides. The PV35 is powered by two batteries and has a flight time of 10-16 minutes depending on payload and weather.


The PV35 is capable of treating over six acres in less than a ten minute flight! Prior to using the PV35, applicators typically treated habitats on foot, and could usually cover only half an acre in ten minutes if the terrain was smooth. With the PV35, over 300 flights were recorded, and over 700 acres were treated this year! The bonus of efficiency and accuracy of the PV35 added to the District’s ability to better control mosquitoes in Twin Falls County.


Winter treatments for black fly larvae begin!


Mosquito Biology